Tales of Baromir Series

Tales of Baromir Series

"This story has dragons and magic and adventure and a wise king with an evil son and lots of food and ale. The female characters are talented and respected. It's a lovely change from complex, sometimes overwrought books. I enjoyed it and I'm sure others will too."
- Amazon reviewer for The Trials of Baromir.

The Tales of Baromir series is my foray series that I've been working on the past few months. I wanted to always write a fantasy story, and I ended up writing a quadrology instead. The stories center around Baromir, who is a farmer's son that looks for adventure in his time period (I don't specify when, but I do write around the year 1600 or so) that he encounters. There's not much that's new about the series, but may be entertaining to some.

The main character to this series is Baromir, who travels with some friends and begins to want to adventure despite being tied to a farm by his father. His father realizes that he can't keep his son on the farm forever, allows Baromir to look for adventure, only when it's off season for the crops. ALl the books feature Baromir, with the exception of Streets of Destiny, which focuses on the side character Famir, who is a dwarf that fights his own battle with his ex-lover Arathorn. The books are adventure only, no romance but some romance sub-plots that go on with the characters.

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