5th Kommando Book Series
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5th Kommando Book Series

These are books I've written as a sub-universe to my 2-4 Cavalry series post 2-4 Cavalry Book 5: Eagle Hammer..

This is a small series chronicling the special forces team that an operative, Captain Tyr Mirabig leads. Accompanined by two soldiers and a Kess tiger, they fight the small unit operations that the regular force won't perform. This takes place in the shared Eagle Hammer Universe. From arms dealers to pirates, this team fights to win and then some. Currently the books are just one shot missions, without a specific storyline that the characters must fill. Their missions are self-contained books, and available from most of the retailers online now.

With the promotion of Captain Mirabig to Major after Destinations, he's been moved to another company within 5th Kommando, and is replaced by 2LT Elsanne Koenders. Other than that, future books will feature her as the team leader for the team in future books.

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2001-24, Fresh Productions.