Eagle Hammer Universe
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Eagle Hammer Universe

These are books I've written as a sub-universe to my 2-4 Cavalry series.

The Eagle Hammer Universe is a collection of stories set in a timeline that I devised. The books are standalone and represent the spinoff stories from the 2-4 Cavalry Book Series after writing 2-4 Cavalry Book 5: Eagle Hammer. The books are short and standalone books for the series and universe. It is listed by time given my propensity to have a timeline that the books are all following (along with my other books).

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These books can also be found at Barnes and Noble, Kobo, Apple, Library Direct, Baker and Taylor's Axis 360, OverDrive, Scribd, cloudLibrary, Gardners, Odilo, and Palace Marketplace.

5th Kommando Book Series | C Troop, 1-5 Kommando Book Series | 2-4 Cavalry Book Series

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2001-24, Fresh Productions.